Thursday, August 28, 2008

Project description

using your oral and written English skills in a concrete and meaningful situation (project)
connecting your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary to real-life documents .
developing your ability to lead a guided research project on your own.
getting familiar with a part of 20th century history which should be of general knowledge

Description of the project:
During this project, you will be asked to create a poster or a leaflet on one of the 6 topics suggested.
Steve Biko's biography*
Nelson Mandela's life
South Africa's geography*
South Africa's history > to the apartheid era*
the system of apartheid*
boycott and international pressure > the end of apartheid*
Artists against the apartheid: songs and protests
South Africa today: fifteen years later
You will work in groups of 2-3 students (free to choose groups)
Each poster/dossier must have at least:
a title
4-5 pictures illustrating your topic, with captions
one or two A4 computer-typed pages written in your own words which sum up your topic. You are allowed to include a few quotations from the articles you have read and found significant
1-2 quotes from the book”Cry Freedom” where we can clearly see the connection with your topic.*
map or timeline if appropriate
2-3 questions your group wish to discuss with the rest of the class.(including your own answers).
neat presentation, correct English grammar and vocabulary, texts must be written with your own words, no reading during the oral presentation.
selected bibliography (especially with the internet sources)
When you have finished your dossier or poster, you will give a quick oral presentation to the rest of the class. You will be evaluated on both oral presentation and poster /leaflet.
Leaflet/poster presentation assessment criteria:

Deadline: 28th(3C1) - 30th(3C2) October 2008

In addition to this parallel work on South Africa, each student will be responsible for answering and proof checking the questions of one chapter of Cry Freedom on the blog

South Africa today: fifteen years later

Artists against the apartheid: songs and protests

boycott and international pressure > the end of apartheid*

the system of apartheid*

South Africa's history > to the apartheid era*

South Africa's geography*

Nelson Mandela's life

Steve Biko's biography*