Sunday, August 28, 2005

Chapter 3

1. How far is East London from Cape Town? Who lives there?
2. What is Woods' opinion on black people and more generally on the society he lives in?
3. What do the pictures of the raid in Crossroads describe? What do you think about the violence they depict? Dev.
4. What does Woods look like?
5. Why did Dr Mamphela Ramphele come to Woods' newspaper? What impression does her portrait and attitude give to the reader? To what effect?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. East London is 750 miles from Cape Town. Donald Woods lives in its residential area.
2. He doesn't question the system he has been brought up with and is not ready to give the right of vote to blacks. He doesn't tolerate violence and doesn't approve of police brutality though. That's why he decided to publish the pictures of the raid on Crossroads.
3. They describe a weeping woman holding a baby in her lap in front of her destroyed house, a youth being beaten by policemen, an old man in front of his smashed home, a bulldozer making its way into a kitchen. All these pictures express violence and brutality.
4.Woods is a forty-two year-old man with grey hair and glasses. His body is athletic and fit.
5. Dr Ramphele came to Woods's office because she doesn't agree with the article which Woods published about Black Consciousness and Biko. She comes to tell him he doesn't know who and what he is talking about.She thinks Woods bears a strong prejudice against the movement and the man who is their leader. She gives the impression of
a powerful and assertive woman who knows what she wants and thus contrasts with the previous image of black hopelessness we encounered. South Africa's black future lays in the hands of women like her.